Story Time at Home: New Year’s Eve

Welcome to Story Time at Home! Each month we will search high and low for great books and songs for babies and toddlers and PreK to third graders. In celebration of 2020 coming to an end, we are going to ring in the New Year here at Story Time at Home.
Below we’ve listed our favorite tales for babies to toddlers and PreK to third graders, along with finger plays, songs, and a craft for each age group.
And if you want to learn more about New Year’s Eve, stop by your local library branch or check out for access to all our materials.
We hope you enjoy your story time at home and can’t wait to see you all back at the library!
Books for Babies and Toddlers
Books for PreK and Up
Fingerplays and Songs
Cheer the Year
(Sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)
Cheer, cheer, cheer the year,
a new one’s just begun.
Celebrate with all your friends,
let’s go have some fun!
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
a brand new year is here.
Learning, laughing, singing, clapping,
Through another year.
Let’s Celebrate
(Sung to the tune of “Frere Jacques”)
Happy New Year, Happy New Year.
Let’s celebrate, let’s celebrate.
Goodbye to the old year,
Hello to the new year.
Hurray, hurray! Hurray, hurray!
New Year’s Day
(Sung to the tune of “Jingle Bells”)
New Year’s Day, New Year’s Day,
comes but once a year.
On New Year’s Eve we celebrate,
and ring it in with cheer!
New Year’s Day, New Year’s Day,
comes but once a year.
On New Year’s Eve we celebrate,
and ring it in with cheer!
Fireworks Handprint Craft for Babies and Toddlers

- black paper
- washable paint
- crayons
- Paint the child’s hands with the washable paint.
- Press the hands on to the paper.
- Let the paint dry.
- Use a crayon to turn hand prints into fireworks.
- Write “Happy New Year” and the year at the top of the paper.
Fireworks Salt Painting for PreK and Up
– Naomi Hurtienne Magola, Youth Services Librarian, and Gretchen Avet, Youth Services Clerk