Fanfiction 101

Fanfiction is fiction writing by fans, usually based on pre-existing works of fiction. Fanfics can be based on books, movies, or people. There is a fanfiction for every fandom imaginable. Anyone can find a fanfiction based on their favorite fictional world or person. These are a few terms used when referencing fanfiction:

  • Fandom– fan-based community dedicated to a particular TV show, movie, book, music, etc.
  • Canon– elements established by the original material (movie, book, etc.)
  • Alternate Universe (AU)– this refers to a story where there is a deviation of the plot, setting, or character from the established canon
  • Crossover– this is a story where the characters, plot, or setting of more than one fandom is blended or connected
  • OC– original characters created by the author(s)
  • Oneshot– one-chapter stories
  • One True Pairing (OTP)– someone’s preferred relationship pairing between two characters. Some even have multiple OTPs in a single fandom.
  • Real Person Fiction (RPF)– these are stories that refer to the actors rather than the characters they play. This includes real life people, celebrities, or historical figures.

There are lots of different places that you can read fanfiction. Here are a couple of popular platforms to choose from:

Archive of Our Own is a website that was started in 2009. This is an open source, non-profit website for fanfiction and other fanworks by the users. It has over 6 million works in over 40,000 fandoms. The tagging system is great, and you can search for exactly what you are looking for. is a website that was started in 1998. It is an archive site for fanfiction pieces. It has over 12 million registered users and has stories in over 40 different languages. If you are looking for a specific fandom or type of fanfiction, this is a good place to go.


Wattpad is a website and app that was started in 2006. It is a place for writers to publish works of all different types. It is a community for writers of any skill level. This is a big base for fanfiction, and almost every fandom imaginable can be found. It is convenient and free to download.

Fanfiction is a great way to read more into your favorite fandoms. You do not like the ending of your favorite movie or series, there is most likely a fanfiction that rewrite the ending. You have an OTP that did not happen, there is probably fanfiction for that. The world of fanfiction has endless opportunities. For anyone to explore.

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– Brooke Jones, Youth Services Clerk