3D Printing

3D printing has never been easier. With the 3D printer at the Terrebonne Parish Library, anyone can send in a file to be printed. While this process is easy, finding something you want to print or even designing something to be printed may seem like a difficult task. However, there are places where you can find free files to be printed and even free places to create your own 3D model files!

Thingiverse is an online community of which people who create 3D models can share their creations online with other members of the community. For the most part, these files are all free to use for download or even for you to edit their work yourself. Thingiverse contains everything from tools  to toys to replacement parts.

Downloading a file from is quite simple. Once you find a model you want to download, it is as simple as clicking the blue “Download All Files” button that is located to the upper right part of the page and your download should start momentarily. is an online workspace where you can create, edit, and save 3D models to be printed out here at the library. Registering for this program is free and it can be operated right on your browser.

Jumping into tinkercad right at the beginning may seem very intimidating, but there are an abundant amount of resources to help you run the program. You can choose to start by creating a 3D model from scratch, but also, you can import many of the 3D files on to edit them on Once you have created a model you want to print, you can click the export button in the workspace or press the download button in the main menu. Make sure when you choose to save the file as an .OBJ file or a .STL file. 

What Next?

Once you have your model file to be printed, your next step is to send it to the Terrebonne Parish Library to be printed. At the bottom of our main page on under “Important Links,” click the link that says “3D Printing.”

With this link, you can choose to watch a video about 3D printing, read the 3D Printing Policy, or fill out a 3D Submission Form. It is recommended you review the 3D Printing Policy, as the 3D printing policy contains information on pricing for printed models, limitations of the 3D printer we currently use, limitations of what we can print, and protocol for when problems arise with printing

From there, filling out the form and uploading the 3D file is self-explanatory. As for when the form asks whether you need rafts or supports for your file, the page for your file you need to print should say whether supports and/or rafts are necessary. Once we get this information, the staff at the Terrebonne Parish Library should be contacting you, confirming we’ve got your order! Happy Printing!

– Caleb, Reference Department