Sometimes it is hard to make it through the holidays and snap ourselves out of the “Holiday Blues” during a normal time, after a disaster, or even after a family mishap.  Just remember to take it one day at a time, take small steps, and make it through today.  Show your children that it’s okay for a change and come up with an alternative plan. 

Here are a few ways that might help our children and ourselves during this trying time. 

Keep your regular routine.  A change in routine can lead to additional stress.  Try to continue with your normal routine, such as, exercising, eating healthy, getting the children ready for school, and helping them with homework.  Children do so much better when they are in a routine.   

Think moderation – limit TV time.  It is so important for us to keep up with all of the news that is going on around us or in the world.  However, it may be confusing to children and overwhelm them.

Stay connected – be alert to significant changes in behavior.  Not everyone will experience a change in their lifestyle in the same way.  Just be sure to provide them with love, understanding, and support. 

Be a model for children.  Children are always watching and imitating what we do as adults.  Making a point to be sensitive to others through their time of need or ourselves time is so important.  Teach your children that we all need to help each other. 

Give your children extra time and attention.  Children need attention to know that they are safe.  Talk, play, and listen to them. 


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-Gretchen Avet, Youth Services Clerk