June 2015 Newsletter Click to download/view June 2015 Newsletter You must have Adobe Reader to view.

May 2015 Newsletter Click to download/view May 2015 Newsletter You must have Adobe Reader to view.

Summer Updates

Summer is almost here, and we are excited about this year’s Summer Reading Program and events. We have tons of programs and activities for all ages. Registration for the Summer Reading Program will open on May 26th.

April 2015 Newsletter Click to download/view April 2015 Newsletter You must have Adobe Reader to view.

IMLS Finalist 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 24, 2016 CONTACT Lauren Bordelon Adult Services and PR Librarian 850-5301 Terrebonne Parish Library System an IMLS 2016 National Medal Finalist Houma, LA-  The Terrebonne Parish Library System announces its distinction as a top fifteen...